Wellness, Massage
Do your mornings begin with a dull throb of an oncoming headache?
Does it pour down your day, intensifying, making it nearly impossible to get through?
Do you end up giving in, pop a pill and go about your day?
Believe it or not, most of us opt for the same solution because it provides instant relief. While being a momentarily viable solution, if chosen regularly, brings about a dependency we might not be able to get rid of.
If you’re someone looking to shake that dependency loose or add a supplementary, non-invasive remedy to your ongoing treatment for headaches, massage therapy might be the right fit for you.
As defined under the tenets of acupressure and reflexology, pressure points are powerfully sensitive parts of the human body, which, when manipulated, can possibly impact and heal other parts of the body.
For example, one of the essential pressure points on our body is the Shoulder Well pressure point. Reflexologists believe that applying firm touch to this spot can undo the stiffness in your neck and shoulders, thus relieving neck pain and preventing headaches caused by it.
Similarly, putting firm pressure on the small intestine 3 pressure point, located at the outer part of your hand, is thought to relieve neck pain, earaches, and headaches that occur at the back of your head.
Our feet consist of over 7,000 nerve endings that correspond to different areas of the body. With the help of various reflexology techniques, these nerve endings can be stimulated to release blocked energy, increase blood circulation, and bring about relaxation and healing.
Foot Reflexology also utilises the concept of pressure points or acupoints to alleviate pain. For instance, Tai Chong, a spot on top of the foot also known as Liver 3, can help ease headaches and tension when stimulated for several minutes.
Another spot on our feet, Zu Lin Qi, also referred to as Gall Bladder 41, is massaged to help with headaches, period pain, and menstrual headaches.
Now equipped with the knowledge of how massage therapy can help you, it’s time to entrust our experts at Yinyang, the top massage spa in Dubai to help you get rid of headaches and nurse your body back to health. Get in touch with us to know more!