
Ginger Foot Soak

We’ve all had days when we literally feel dead on our feet. When all we want to do is put our feet up and not have to move again till we’ve had a full night’s sleep. And we’ve all had to keep on going, despite those feelings of exhaustion. Good news is – there are techniques that we can use to refresh ourselves and boost our energy reserves so that we can go about the rest of the day.

One of the most popular natural remedies is a ginger water foot soak. The technique is simple enough- you fill a bucket that is wide enough to fit both your feet with enough warm water so that you can comfortably immerse your ankles. The water should be warm enough to not become cold during your 15-20 minute foot soak, yet not boiling hot. The goal is to feel better, not scald your skin! You then add ground ginger, lemon juice and sea salt to the water and then stir it to ensure that the ingredients mix properly and your feet are then ready to soak.

This remedy, if done correctly, has several benefits. If you do it right before sleeping, it helps you achieve deeper sleep than would otherwise have been possible, allowing you to feel more rested the next day. It also helps you to increase blood circulation to your feet, helping you to get rid of that “dead on your feet” feeling.

Ginger is among the most healthy of spices and has several health benefits. It has been proven to help combat exercise-induced muscle pain and has even been proven to help with osteoarthritis. For the purposes of your foot soak, we recommend using fresh ginger and allow it to mix with the water at a simmer, instead of boiling it as boiling it will cause some of the essential oils to dissipate.

According to principles laid out in traditional chinese medicine, the entire body is connected- and the feet are no exception. Proponents of traditional chinese medicine believe that problems with the rest of our body can manifest in issues with feet, and vice versa. Regularly soaking your feet in ginger water allows your feet to heal and become healthier, which in turn has a positive effect on the rest of your body.

Once you get comfortable with the foot soak and you become familiar with the effects it has on your body, you can even start to experiment with different ingredients depending on the desired effect of the soak. For example, dandelion root helps expel toxins from your body, while epsom salts help relax your muscles and reduce muscle fatigue. What you choose as the ingredients for your foot soak are entirely up to you- but we strongly recommend the ginger!

At Yinyang we offer a specialised foot massage to specific wellness-related reflex points on the feet to release blocked energy, relieve stress and boost circulation. Book your appointment NOW!

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