
Ensuring Mental Health during Lockdown

As responsible citizens, we are all currently staying home as much as possible, only moving out if absolutely necessary. With this enforced lockdown around the world, it is critical to take steps to ensure your mental well-being given the lack of social interaction. We have some tips as to what you could be doing to make sure your mind, as well as the minds of your loved ones, are in the right space.

  1. 1. Remind people that this is not normal:
    When speaking to someone experiencing stress due to the uncertainty around the coronavirus, try and remind them that this is a period that will pass. Use terms like day, week or month to try and remind them that this is a temporary situation, and not the new normal. A simple phrase like “let’s just focus on getting through the next few days” or “let’s focus on seeing out this week” can remind people of the fact that things will eventually get better, thereby lifting their spirits.
  2. 2. Identify Vulnerable Individuals:
    Try and identify those around you most vulnerable during self isolation, such as people who live by themselves or do not have the greatest of relationships with those that they live with. Such people are more likely to experience mental health issues due to the lack of a support system around them in comparison to others. Another factor that has been found to be a huge trigger for mental health concerns is financial concerns. Those who have been affected by this crisis financially are considered to be “at-risk” in terms of mental health.
  3. 3. Be careful of how you speak around children:
    Children are very imaginative, and during crises such as this one, it is important to ensure they are not too alarmed. Already, their daily routine has been completely discarded, and they are likely to be feeling stressed due to this. Hearing parental figures discuss it in stressed or alarmed tones can cause long-term negative effects on the child’s mental well-being. While being secretive is not the answer, neither is being alarmist in the current conditions- it is important to try and find a balance, just as in most things in life. Children need to a reassuring environment at this time- and the most helpful thing you can do is establish a daily routine during this time which you stick to in a disciplined manner.

Try and ensure that you take care of your mind as well as your body during this time- as both are critical to your overall well-being. Stay safe, and stay happy, while you stay home!

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